Heroon Square In Elefsina *
Project Details
Architect: Grivas K., Ioannidou Er., Metheniti R., Paraskevopoulos G. / * Project as a consultant to Protek SA - Artemide Hellas SA ( collaboration ended in 2011) / Stage: detailed design - not constructed
Services: Lighting Concept, Developed & Detailed Design
The historic seaside town of Elefsina is home to the very important archaeological site of the Elefsenian Mysteries (800BC-396AD) and the birthplace of tragedian Aeschylous (525BC). Today it is a major industrial centre and a large oil refinery site. Heroon Square is the central node of the town that lead to the entrance of the illuminated archae0logical site (see yellow dot).
The lighting for the regenerated square allows for great nocturnal views of the illuminated archaeological site by forming a low luminance -glare free environment along the walking axis to the entrance.Each custom designed luminaire ( in collaboration with Artemide Hellas S.A. ) is directionally orientated all along the plan in order to point – day and night – to the archaeological siteVisual contrast is reinforced by applying cooler white light to the square in contrast to the warm white light of the archaeological site. The distinctive diagonal-axial nature of the new landscape is enhanced by low level linear lighting.